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"Trampaway" first review

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

That's a really cool idea for an app. I can see a lot of potential in it. Also the work you (your team) have done to make the experience as it is, is admirable - illustrations, video, the whole site's branding, animations, micro interactions etc.

I'm just curious how many people was involved in this, because I can see some nice server - client efficiencies like the carousel images of a trip loading one by one and cache the recieved image, instead of loading the whole thing in one request. Also you are providing different browser urls for different images. But the browser back button seems to refresh the whole page.

For the UI part, the header experience on mobile is a bit buggy (search + nav + the fixed parallax hero image), other than that, I think you have done a great job regarding the UI/UX.

My suggestion is for the front-end part. I can see you have used dropzone for the image uploading. I have recently used cropper.js with a combination with dropzone in a project, to make the user decide where he/she wants to crop the images. You could do that for trip's cover photo.

Overall a really great job. I will stay tuned to see the progress of the app and also to get some inspirations for some nice travel destinations :)