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"Lana Mueller" third review

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

The site has a clean and minimalistic look and feel and the presentation of the brand/fashion designer seems well done. However, there seems to be some inconsistencies of the UI.

The second thing (after the e-mail signup) that caught my eyes was the 10px letter-spaced logo with Times New Roman typeface. That is not really the best way to present it, because the spacing is not 100% consistent on all devices/viewports - that can be seen with the font-size and letter-spacing change on different media queries.

Also the logo does not seem to match with the overall branding (headings) of the site. You are using Playfair Display for the headings and Hind Guntur for the content. I am also missing consistencies with the overall headings. You have different font-weights and sizes across various different headings and some are uppercased, others are not. The content part seems pretty consistent.

For the UX part - that image change does not seem to work on the product details page and I get the Magento error: There has been an error processing your request, when I try to remove an item from the cart.

Liked the overall presentation of the products.