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"Dayfive Paris" second review

Gregor Ojstersek

Crafting beautiful things from design phase and all the way to finished and developed phase.

Gregor Ojstersek

If you wish to stand out from other agencies, you need to make improvements on your site. The problem is within your branding. You need to find that unique elements that define you.

It is overall an ok site, but it is failing to provide that "wow" moment that we all want to see from creative agencies. I am not getting the feeling that you provide creativity at its core and uniqueness because you are failing to present that on your site. The contact page is not ok. You have a carousel on the left with the same two pictures. You don't need that. The second picture also seems a bit off.

The responsive aspect of the site needs improvement. You are not providing page layout consistency on all resolutions. The UI and the layout could be done better. The contrast between headings and paragraphs is not really working and the cta buttons are not consistent (not the same on contact page and front page) and could be done differently.

Like that you present your projects with description, fonts, colors and different screens.